We welcome all photos you wish to submit.
Please note: There is no guarantee ALL of the submitted pictures will be posted in the gallery. If you want to guarantee all your pictures will be seen, you should use the Photobucket option and submit just your best photos for the Gallery.

Also, if you see a picture posted that you want removed, please email me with an explanation and it will be removed.

There are different ways to submit your photos:

1: Email them to pictures@alleneagles.com
    PLEASE specify team (i.e. Varsity Boys, JV Girls Red, etc....
    You can also specify game or event if you wish)

2: FTP Method. If you have a large amount of photos to send and you are familiar with FTP,
     please email me and I can set you up with a directory to upload your pictures.
     Core FTP is nice free software program for this method.

3: Download to Photobucket. Please name your album according to the team or event.
    Please make certain you set your album to 'Public'. If you have it set for private it will
    not work on the website. Click here for the help screen. Click on the MY Albums link,
    then the Edit Privacy....link. After you create your album, view the right side of the
    page and you will see a "Share this album" box. Copy the code in the HTML box and email
    it to me. 

For those interested in reducing the sizes (bytes) of your images, here are two software programs
I have used and both work very well.  
1: Faststone Image Viewer (Free)
2: NIT Resize (Free Trial; $19.00 to register)


If you wish to download a picture to save or print, click on the Large picture (not thumbnail) and it will open in a new window.
You can then "right-click" with your mouse to save it.

On Photobucket Albums,  Click View All

All photos submitted by Jeff Tickson may be downloaded at no cost. In order to download, run your cursor over the large photo on the right-hand side of the page until a pop-up menu appears. Select the image of a folder at the bottom of the menu--this will allow you to download the photo.